Wednesday 17 December 2014

How NOT to anneal wires...

I could title this post also "Why you shouldn't lose focus while annealing " or maybe "Why you shouldn't anneal wires when you're tired"

This won't be a long post. I've decided to make not only the tree earrings, but also a matching necklace. I was finishing soldering the second earring, with only one element left to add. I had to anneal the wire, because it became too hard to properly shape. I started to heat the wire... and kept heating it... and heating... and looking at it, and thinking: "oooooh, those are some pretty lights running up an down that wire... and it looks as if those light are running inside it... and... wait a moment, why is this wire swelling??? Oh, damn, it's not swelling, I've just melted it."
And that is why you should never lose focus while annealing ;P
I'm just glad it wasn't the whole piece.

Just after the annealing fail

After pickling for better view

It's a piece of art on its own ;)

And if someone is wondering why the first thing I did after melting it was to take a picture... it was rather amusing experience, and I decided to document it ;P I also find the shape of that maltreated wire rather funny.


  1. Awww! This is how we learn. The process is sure to go much better next time you anneal. I would photograph the failure too!

    1. Well, yes, mistakes are a part of the learning process, but it wasn't the first time I was annealing something. It was, however, the first time I managed to melt something while doing it ;)
